Masturbation Before Sex: Is It The Ultimate Sex Life Hack?

Explore the intriguing concept of masturbation as a potential game-changer in your sexual experience. Dive into an insightful discussion on the potential benefits and considerations of this practice, offering a fresh perspective on achieving sexual satisfaction and enhancing your intimate encounters. Get ready to redefine your understanding of pleasure with this groundbreaking exploration.
Do You Need an Erection?

Many individuals who are experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED) don’t have sexual activity anymore because they cannot reach an erection. When asked if they engage in other sexual activities, other than penetration of a penis in a vagina, they often say no and blame ED for their lack of a sex life
How To Tell Your Partner You Want KINK!

Some people are afraid of the mere mention of the acronym BDSM or the word Kink. Some associate BDSM with abuse while others fear that it is only something done to give or take pain. However, BDSM stands for many things and sexual and non sexual practices that intrigue, attract and even arouse people.